Mochi Tanghulu Bites


For the Mochi:

45g Glutinous Rice Flour
10g Corn Starch
40g Sugar
85g Milk
10g Butter
For the Tanghulu:

1/2 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Water

Start by adding glutinous rice flour, corn starch, sugar, and milk to a pan. Stir the mixture until it’s well combined.
Mix in the butter, then cook over medium heat until a soft, sticky dough forms. Allow it to cool slightly.
Wearing hand gloves, knead the mochi dough until it becomes stretchy.
Form the dough into small balls, and lightly coat them with corn starch to prevent sticking.
Skewer four mochi balls onto each skewer. Prepare as many skewers as you can and set them aside.
Have a cup of ice water ready for use later.
In a separate pan, combine the sugar and water for the tanghulu.
Without stirring, let the sugar mixture cook over medium heat until it turns a light yellow color. Watch it closely to prevent burning.
Once the syrup reaches a slight yellow or golden color, remove it from the heat. Quickly dip each mochi skewer into the syrup, then immediately dip it into the ice water to set the candy coating.
Work quickly as the caramel coating hardens rapidly.
Repeat the dipping process for all mochi skewers.
Enjoy your homemade mochi tanghulu with its sweet, crunchy coating! This delightful treat combines the soft chewiness of mochi with the crisp sweetness of tanghulu for a unique and delicious snack.

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