Tangerine covered with Milk Pudding

This delightful recipe is a creative twist on traditional gelatin desserts, featuring baby tangerines as the star ingredient. It’s a fun, fruity treat that’s as enjoyable to make as it is to eat. Perfect for those looking for a refreshing and visually appealing dessert option!


3 Baby Tangerines
1 Cup (250ml) Milk
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 and 1/2 Tablespoons Gelatin

Start by peeling the 3 baby tangerines. Carefully insert each tangerine onto a skewer and place it in a cup. This will be your mold for the gelatin.
In a small bowl, mix the gelatin with 2 tablespoons of milk. Stir well until the mixture is fully combined. Let it sit for a few minutes; this process is called β€˜blooming’ the gelatin.
Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and add the sugar. Place the saucepan over medium heat.
Stir the milk and sugar mixture gently until the sugar has completely dissolved into the milk.
Once the sugar is dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat. Add the bloomed gelatin to the warm milk mixture.
Stir the mixture until the gelatin has completely dissolved and is evenly distributed throughout the milk.
Carefully pour the milk and gelatin mixture into the cup containing the skewered tangerines. Fill the cup until the gelatin mixture covers half of the top tangerine.
Place the cup in the refrigerator and let it chill until the gelatin sets firmly, which may take a few hours.
Once set, remove the gelatin dessert from the refrigerator. To unmold, you may need to gently pull the gelatin away from the edges of the cup and turn it out onto a plate.
If the gelatin is too firm and difficult to cut, let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes to soften slightly. Then, carefully slice between the tangerines to serve.
Enjoy this unique and tasty treat! It combines the sweet, tangy flavor of tangerines with the creamy texture of gelatin for a dessert that’s sure to impress. Perfect for a summer day or as a light, refreshing end to any meal!

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