Mini banana pancakes

150g of flour + a pinch of salt 25g of sugar 8g of baking powder 150ml of warm milk 15ml of oil 1 egg Vanilla extract (Let it rest 20 minutes)

Here’s how you might proceed with these ingredients:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, sift together 150g of flour, a pinch of salt, and 8g of baking powder to ensure they are well combined and free from lumps.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together 150ml of warm milk, 15ml of oil, and one egg until the mixture is smooth and the egg is fully incorporated.
  3. Add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring gently to combine. Be careful not to overmix; it’s okay if there are a few lumps.
  4. Stir in 25g of sugar and a few drops of vanilla extract to the batter for sweetness and flavor.
  5. Let the batter rest for 20 minutes. This allows the gluten in the flour to relax and the baking powder to start working, which will result in a lighter, fluffier texture.
  6. After resting, gently stir the batter to ensure it’s well mixed. Then, it’s ready to be cooked as pancakes on a griddle or in a pan, or as a cake in an oven, depending on your preference.

This is a versatile batter that can be customized with various add-ins like chocolate chips, blueberries, or nuts if desired.

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