If the Dobrota cake is a symbol of Boka Kotorska, then the Moscow slice is a symbol of Belgrade, in my opinion.
If you’re searching for a recipe that closely matches the original, you’re in the right place! Trust me when I say I’ve spent 5 days researching and putting together this recipe. It’s fantastic! Follow the steps and tips I provide, and you won’t go wrong.

For the Base (makes 4 layers):

3 egg whites
3 tablespoons of sugar
3 scoops of ground walnuts
2 scoops of ground toasted blanched almonds
1 scoop of ground petit beurre biscuits
1 scoop of flour
Whisk the egg whites with sugar until stiff. Slowly add the other ingredients and gently fold with a spatula to keep the egg whites from deflating. Pour the mixture into a 28Γ—28 cm mold and bake for 15 minutes at 180-200Β°C, depending on your oven’s power.

For the Cream Filling:

12 egg yolks
3 whole eggs
18 scoops of sugar
500g of butter
50g of sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
The filling is made from three mixtures combined into one, creating a champagne cream. Whisk the butter until fluffy. According to the original recipe, 100g of butter is added to the whisked yolks, and everything is cooked in a double boiler. I whisked all 500g of butter until fluffy. Whisk the yolks with 15 tablespoons of sugar and cook in a double boiler for about 20 minutes. If you’re afraid the mixture won’t thicken with butter, you can omit it from the yolks. In another bowl, whisk 3 egg whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar until stiff. Caramelize 50g of sugar and gradually add to the whisked egg whites, continuously mixing. Finally, combine the cooled yolk mixture with the fluffy butter and egg whites.

Additional Ingredients:

cherries – about half a kilo
canned pineapple
compote peaches
200g almond flakes
Tip: Boil the fruit to allow the cake to last longer.

Layering the Cake:
Start with a base layer, spread a thin layer of cream, sprinkle evenly with pineapple and peaches, spread another layer of cream to bind the fruit, add another base, cream, cherries, cream, third base, cream, some ground almonds, final base, and spread the remaining cream over the entire cake. Toast the almond flakes in the oven and sprinkle them over the cake.

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