Peach Mochi

Peach Mochi is a delightful variation of the traditional Japanese mochi, incorporating the sweet and fragrant flavor of peaches into the chewy rice cake. This treat combines the soft and sweet mochi exterior with a juicy peach filling, offering a delicious fusion of flavors and textures. Here’s a simple recipe to make Peach Mochi at home:

1 cup glutinous rice flour (mochiko)
1/4 cup sugar
2/3 cup water
1/2 teaspoon peach extract or flavor (optional)
Pink food coloring (optional, for aesthetics)
Cornstarch or potato starch (for dusting)
Fresh peaches, peeled and cut into small chunks or pureed
Sweetened red bean paste (anko) (optional, for a traditional filling)
Prepare the Peach Filling:

If using fresh peaches, peel and cut them into small chunks. Optionally, you can puree the peaches for a smoother filling. Mix the peach chunks or puree with sweetened red bean paste if desired. Form into small balls and refrigerate to firm up.
Make the Mochi Dough:

In a microwave-safe bowl, whisk together the glutinous rice flour and sugar. Gradually stir in the water, peach extract (if using), and a few drops of pink food coloring until well combined and the color is uniform.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, making a few small holes in the wrap for venting. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Stir the mixture, then microwave for another minute. Repeat this process until the dough becomes sticky and translucent.
Shape the Mochi:

Dust a clean surface and your hands with cornstarch or potato starch to prevent sticking. Transfer the mochi dough to the dusted surface and let it cool slightly.
Once cool enough to handle, divide the dough into equal portions. Flatten each portion into a small disc.
Place a peach filling ball in the center of each mochi disc. Carefully wrap the dough around the filling, sealing it completely. Roll it gently into a ball shape.
Final Touches:

If desired, roll each mochi ball in additional cornstarch or potato starch to prevent sticking. Shake off the excess starch.
Serve and Enjoy:

Peach Mochi is best enjoyed the day they are made but can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days. Let them come to room temperature before serving for the best texture.
This Peach Mochi recipe offers a sweet, chewy treat with a burst of peach flavor, perfect for summertime or as a unique dessert to enjoy any time of the year. Enjoy making and indulging in your homemade Peach Mochi!

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