β€œRedberry Bliss: Poppy Seed and Plazma Biscuit Elegance”


β€’ 200g poppy seeds β€’ 80g sugar β€’ 1 sachet of vanilla sugar β€’ A dash of vanilla extract β€’ 4 tablespoons of semolina β€’ 300g ground Plazma biscuits β€’ 150g butter β€’ 600ml milk


β€’ 150g white chocolate β€’ 50ml heavy cream


  1. Combine all ingredients except for the butter and biscuits in a pot. Cook over low heat until the mixture thickens slightly.
  2. Add softened butter to the hot mixture and wait for it to melt. Once melted, incorporate the ground biscuits and mix well. If the mixture feels too thick, add more milk to achieve the desired consistency.
  3. Pour the mixture into a 22cm diameter cake mold and place it in the fridge to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate with the heavy cream to create a ganache. Pour this ganache over the cake.
  5. Allow the cake to set for several hours (or overnight) to firm up.

Note: Since the cake was topped with sweet white chocolate, the sugar quantity was reduced. If you prefer sweeter cakes or if you’re using dark chocolate for the topping, you might want to adjust the sugar quantity accordingly.

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